
When the senior you're photographing is just as weird as you and has a vision for his photos.

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Darling, you’re gorgeous.

I went apple picking this week with my mom, my kiddos and my sister, who is a first time mom of my ultra adorable niece. She knew I'd have my camera, (of course) so she picked out some cute outfits and made the drive out to the orchard. We found the perfect spot, the...

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Summer Documented: 2019

Summer Documented: 2019

This summer I participated in a scavenger hunt with 12 other photographers from around the US. We were given 20 prompts to photograph using our own unique stories and families to capture it. I wanted to make a blog post with a little back story on each one of my own...

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The Beauty in Birth

The Beauty in Birth

Did you know how beautiful a mother is when giving birth? I once read a quote by Ina May Gaskin, that I kept thinking of yesterday:“If a woman doesn’t look like a goddess during labor, then someone isn’t treating her right.”Marisa had a scheduled induced...

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